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Tax Season is Over! (Aren't You Glad?)

Posted on 
October 27, 2021

Written by Bob Moser

The AARP Falcons Landing Tax Site volunteers completed another successful tax season on April 17. On Feb. 2, there were 9 members of the 24-person group who worked on each of 33 afternoons in the Council Room. The team filed 346 returns electronically and another 19 on paper. Also, they answered 404 taxpayers’ questions. Fifty-one percent of the clients were older than 65; the youngest was 17 and the most mature was 102. Clients were greeted by a pair of the crew’s facilitators (Ione Braswell, Illona Countryman, Barbara Goodwin, Charlene Greener, Erica Kane, Jean Lewis, Charlotte McClintock, Charles Oliver, Hazel Plummer, Margaret Quayle and Roma Wilson). They verified identification, answered questions, and conducted a review to ensure clients brought the necessary papers.

Then one of seven tax preparers completed the return. Another preparer performed a quality review of the entire return and secured client signatures. Of the 13 preparers, six were Falcons Landing residents: Joe Falletti, Lazell Hunigan, Harry Hurst, Bob Moser, Drake Wilson, and Al Yahanda. Another valuable volunteer was Lyle Bowman, who installed and maintained the computers and communications network that made the site possible; it was a tremendous challenge, with new printers and the impacts of Windows 10 on the network.

Falcons Landing’s staff made this volunteer activity possible. Resident Services provided the Council Room and support. Rina Landicho and the Finance staff scheduled the clients for appointments. Dining Services provided coffee, water, and cookies to sustain clients and volunteers. Security worked closely with the team to limit access to only tax clients, and the Reception Desk provided supplies and copies and assisted non-resident clients.

Three percent of the clients were staff members at Falcons Landing and five percent were residents, the same as last year. Why not consider taking advantage of this free service next year – there is no restriction on income level, and the volunteers can prepare returns covering almost everything except rental income/depreciation and K-1s that go beyond interest, dividends, capital gains, and royalties. You can choose your preparer or have a non-resident do your return. The IRS compares volunteer accuracy favorably to paid preparers – and you can’t beat the price (free!).

Also, please consider volunteering next year to help provide this valuable service to our community. Extensive tax expertise is not required, and training is provided! Call Bob Moser at 703-802-4850.

Many thank to:
Back Row, from left: Dick Taylor, Joanne Gaughan, Chairman: Robert Moser, Joe Falletti, Al Yahanda, Harry Hurst, Carl Crea; Second Row: Roma Wilson, Barbara Goodwin, Ione Braswell, Charlotte McClintock, Lazell Hunigan; Seated: Erica Kane, Illona Countryman, Charles Oliver

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