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Celebrating Older Americans Month

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May 18, 2022

Every May, the Administration for Community Living celebrates Older Americans Month to recognize the contributions of seniors past and present—with a special attention to those who have served our country in the armed forces. Because Falcons Landing was founded by military officers looking to create extraordinary retirement living, this month is especially meaningful for all of us here.

This year’s theme is “Age My Way,” with encouragement for older adults to age with choice, remaining active and independent for as long as they are able. From fairs and events to special ceremonies, much will be taking place across America this month. Here are a few ways to celebrate Older Americans Month in your community!

1. Share your stories or ask your older relatives to share theirs.

As anyone who spends time with older adults know, seniors have a rich well of stories to draw from, including anecdotes from yesteryear and lessons for the generations of tomorrow. If you are an older American, don’t hold back! And if you are a young person interested in the stories of the past, consider interviewing your older relatives. Record a few sessions where they can tell you about your ancestry, their lives and much more.

2. Plan an event in your community.

From neighborhood block parties to retirement community celebrations to family reunions, there are so many ways to gather together and enjoy the fellowship of our wise elders. From game nights to barbecues, the possibilities truly are endless.

3. Get to know your neighbors.

At Falcons Landing, we always have a full calendar of events where you can get to know others in the community. Homeowners associations often have neighborhood Facebook groups, and apps such as Nextdoor can help connect you with people in your neighborhood. If you don’t live in a community with an activities planner, consider reaching out through one of the social media services to organize a meet-up yourself. It only takes one leader to get the ball rolling!

4. Follow the hashtag #OlderAmericansMonth.

Follow the hashtag on social media to see what everyone is sharing. Not only is this a great way to share what you are up to—but you can also find ideas for celebrating in your own community. You might also consider visiting the AARP’s website for inspiration using their DIY project guides.

We hope you have a terrific Older Americans Month! At Falcons Landing, we’re about older Americans every month, so if you are interested in discovering the common bond of a military-themed retirement, contact us today to learn more!

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